Above Photo: Captain Steve caught this huge trout with a Whitey Tighty
It might have a silly name, but the Whitey Tighty is ranked as one of Captain Steve’s favorite lures, especially when trolling for lake trout.
The Whitey Tighty is a half silver, half white lure. It comes in two sizes. Fish the extra-small size at 1.5 to 2.0 mph and the small size at 2.0 to 2.25 mph. This lure can be hot on lake trout. The largest lake trout ever landed on Captain Steve’s boat was caught on a Whitey Tight. Captain Steve has caught as many as 20 good size Lakers in one day using the Whitey Tighty. Fish for lake trout and Brown trout by trolling the Whitey Tighty 100 to 200 feet back and right on the bottom. In other words, put your down rigger ball in the mud. For Kokanee, troll 6 to 50 from the ball and from 30 to 50 ft down. Possibly use a dodger to help. For Striper, Wipers & other trout, troll in open water 50 to 100 ft back, from 1 to 30 ft down.
Ranked #2 Best Lake Trout Lure by Captain Steve
Ranked #5 Best Bass Lure by Captain Steve
Ranked #8 Best Striped Bass and Wiper Lure by Captain Steve
Recommended Use: Brown Trout, Kokanee, Lake Trout, Striped bass, and Wiper
Buy it Today! https://www.flashyfishlures.com/shop/whitey-tighty/

Photo Above: The Whitey Tighty Lure

Photo Above: Caught with a Whitey Tighty!

Photo Above: Caught with a Whitey Tighty!

Photo Above: Caught with a Whitey Tighty

Photo Above: Caught on a Whitey Tighty!