“I have used Lunker Lures, Deer Creek Specials, After Dinner Mints, and Strawberry Minnows for rainbow and tiger trout. Great lures that out-fished my old favorites! More tiger trout than rainbow fishing for me. I would say the lunker lure is #1, followed closely by the after dinner mint, but all 4 I have caught fish. One day it would be the lunker and the next day the mint. Absolute fish slayers!! These lures catch fish period! If the one that caught them yesterday doesn’t, work try a different color. Never been skunked since using these lures!”
-Scott Smith
-Kurt Barton
“Just left Kolob and was using Steve’s lures done really well, 2 weeks ago at fish lake my son and I caught over 20 lake trout in about 6 hrs, again using Steve’s lures.”
-Kenneth A. Wade
“Whitey Tighty is a Great Lake trout lure. Mac Attac is also great
Best lures I’ve ever used.”
-Duane Gillette
“These lures work!!”
-Jason Bracken
“You should check out this guys page he has some nice lures!”
-James C. Cogsdil
“The first time I used the AFTER DINNER MINT I was going down to the bottom at Flaming Gorge but run out of line at 80′ so left it there and in 10 min. I got a 29″ laker. Changed reels, and went down to the bottom and got 6 lakers that day, also had 3 lines out for Kokes. it was a fun day.”
-Robert Gressman